Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases

Tel: +34 91 562 02 90

C/ Oquendo 23, Madrid


General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most frequent surgeries

General and digestive system surgeons of CMED perform all surgical procedures related with their specialty. In this section of the web we describe in detail the most frequent surgeries. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hiatal Hernia


Hiatal hernia is an anatomic defect by which the part where the esophagus and the stomach meet moves towards the thorax through the esophageal hiatal (opening through which the esophagus enters in the abdomen from the thorax).


Hiatal hernias are normally small and do not cause important symptoms. This disease complicates when gastroesophageal reflux appears (acid of the stomach that goes up to the esophagus) and appear other symptoms such as chronic cough, aphonia and in occasions, respiratory tract problems.
Failing to treat this disease may cause damages to the esophagus such as eso-pharyngitis (swelling or irritation) and in some cases, cause what is called . Barret esophagus, which a potentially cancerous injury.


Treatment for hiatal hernia may be medical or surgical. The first approach is medical based on drugs inhibiting the secretion of acids of the stomach therefore controlling the symptoms and damages caused to the esophagus.
If this treatment does not work, the next step if surgery. Surgical intervention is performed with laparoscopy and it is aimed at correcting hiatal hernia and after embracing the esophagus with the stomach to avoid gastric reflux.
The team of medical professionals of CMED has broad experience in this surgical intervention which is preceded by a comprehensive study of each patient to know if they are candidates or not.