CMED was founded in 2010, it is the first and only center in Spain fully dedicated to the medical and surgical diagnosis and treatment of digestive system diseases. CMED can offer patients a comprehensive service, multidisciplinary, personalized and efficient blending professionals from different areas of expertise oriented to digestive disorders and cutting-edge medical technology for the diagnosis in one same centre.
Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday:
- from 09.00 to 20.00
Blood testing:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
- From 08.30 to 10.00
Online Video consultations

Online Video consultation is a service providing consultations with CMED specialists from anywhere. You just need a computer and Internet connection.
Booking a video consultation is very easy: just follow the simple steps the platform shows (without downloading any software or application). Once you have created your profile you may, among others, send your physician tests and reports to discuss them in real time, send messages with your doubts or download prescriptions.
Las mejores frutas y verduras de la primavera
La primavera se caracteriza por la alteración del estado del ánimo, porque altera nuestro ritmo zircadiano. El Dr. Eugenio Freire, del Centro Médico-Quirúrgico de Enfermedades Digestivas, nos habla de algunas de las frutas y verduras típicas de esta estación, como los espárragos, beneficiosos por su aporte de fibra y acción diurética; las fresas, que tienen gran cantidad de hierro, que nos mantiene más despiertos y activos; las cerezas, por su aporte de vitamina A; el nabo y el rábano, que mantienen el nivel de hidratación y el plátano por su aporte de potasio.
The team of general and digestive surgeons of CMED has broad experience in the development of all kind of surgical procedures both digestive and of other areas of expertise during which the specialist requires the assistance of a general surgeon.
In this section you will find further detailed information on most frequent procedures (description, symptoms and recommended treatment) and you will be able to visualize the area of the body of each procedure.
CMED general and digestive surgeons’ experience allows the development of most procedures by laparoscopy, a minimally invasive technique which offers utmost precision and a shorter recovery time for the patient.
Specialized Units
As medical Centre specialized on digestive conditions it has developed a whole array of specialized units to provide the most comprehensive and competent service to patients with chronic diseases, difficult diagnosis and complicated prognosis.
The aim is to assist our patients throughout their disease with a multidisciplinary team of specialists providing counselling, advice and personalized treatment. In CMED we believe that trust between physician and patient is essential for the recovery and course of a disease.
Here you will find extensive information on a certain group of diseases that will aid you to understand what is happening and how you feel.